
Rina Bouwen
Vídeo: 1’ 10’’



This work started out with a site specific Diana Larrea presented at Rina Bowen Gallery, in Madrid. By setting on the wall some red vinyl squares, she tried to reproduce the drawing of the white and black floor, in an attempt to establish a direct dialogue between the work and its surrounding. In that space Larrea recorded this video, in which she shows herself in the role of a ‘powerful goddess’ that makes and breaks the art-piece magically, in a supernatural way. As a kind of fantastic super-heroin, She is able to alter the laws of Nature in an almost mystical experience that ends up with glorious ecstasies. Larrea’s purpose was to create a parody of the artistic ego, an ironic game that helps destroy the myth of the ‘genius’. She also tried to break down the reverential attitude that the public usually feels towards the creative process.

This work can also be interpreted as a revision of the feminist essentialist position. Larrea recovers the figure of woman as creating principle, almost as a deity, and she ironically highlights the strangeness with which we look at her adopting this role..













Video stills







